
  1. Mother in the Raindrops
    Father in the trees, Mother in the moonbeams
    Father in the galaxies
  2. Mother in the roots, Father in the stars
    Mother in the rivers
    Father in everything that’s far
  3. chorus: Deep deep deep in love, Holy Unity
    Deep deep deep in love
    We are Family, We are Family (repeat)
  4. Mother in the mountains, Father in the sky
    Mother in the flowers, & in all creatures that fly
    Mother in volcanos, Father in the air
    Mother and Father
    Everywhere, Everywhere, Everywhere
  5. chorus: Deep deep deep in love, Holy Unity
    Deep deep deep in love
    We are Family, We are Family
  6. chorus 2: I am your child, I feel your love
    In everything below , And everything above
    We are a family, A Holy One
    Right here on the earth, And be-yond the sun
  7. Mother in the soil, Father in the sun
    Mother in the garden, Mother Father Child are one
  8. chorus: Deep deep deep in love... 

© Cw 2.12