Blessingway Songs CD
In October of 2005, Copperwoman gathered with a group of Midwives at Esalen on the central California coast and sang thoughout the weekend. She taught her original songs and shared well-known circlesongs.
Read MoreWe Are Ancient We Are Now CD
There is a longing to feel our connection to one another that prevails among many people today. Something deep in our hearts and souls that urges us to reach out for support and love—a desire to feel part of a greater family.
Read MoreComeUnitySing CD and Booklet
This set is a CD of 46 MP3’s with a companion chord/lyric songbook. The songs are taken from various Copperwoman CDs. It also includes several songs that have never been recorded officially.
Read MoreMusic is the Medicine CD
Music is the Medicine is a Live Recording from a class that Copperwoman taught in May of 2010 at the Women’s Herbal Symposium in Laytonville, CA.
Read MoreHow’d That Song Go CD
At the end of many gatherings where we’ve been doing a lot of singing, people will ask me, “How’d that song go.” This is a recording to answer that question for 13 songs.
Read MoreKnocking On the Door Children’s CD
“These songs were there, knocking on the door. I just happened to be around and let them in.” This recording was originally produced in 1980. Carolyn Saso (Copperwoman) was the mother of a preschooler and working with young children…
Read MoreLet’s Sing Together CD
Preschool and K-3 teachers began to ask her to teach them her childrens’ songs. And that is how the two recordings came about.
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