Save your website for future use
For the content on your website, you can go to each page and drag through and copy the text and paste it into a word file or some other text program.
For the images, you could log in to the wp site and go to the media library.
There is a plugin that allows you to export the whole media library. You can search for it and upload it to the plugins page.
Or you can download the images you want to keep one by one. When you click on each image you will see the larger version. You can control click (or right-click) the image and drag down to “save image as” and then pick a folder on your computer to save the image.
You can do this for each one and you will end up with a folder on your computer of all of your images.
There is also an option in the ICDsoft control panel to backup the site and then download it to your computer.
To access your online Control Panel contact Copperwoman for your username and password if you do not still have a copy of the welcome email from ICDsoft.
The icon looks like this: You click on the icon in the control panel and select the items for backup.
When it is done, you can download it to your computer and be able to upload it to ICDsoft in the future if desired.