00 Call On Me • 01 Becoming 2 • 02 Bless This Food • 03 Bring Your Love Bring Your Gratitude • 04 Down Deep in the Earth • 05 I Am Here For You • 06 Perfect Timing • 07 What You Set Your Heart To • 08 Totally • 09 I Give Back • 10 Im One with You • 11 I Open My Heart • 12 Beauty of My Soul • 13 I Wanna Hold You • 14 LaLaLaLaLove • 16 Mama Ocean • 17 Mother in the Raindrops • 18 My Turn to Hold You • 19 Nothings Gonna • 20 Purify My Being • 21 Say Goodbye • 22 Send You Love • 23 Sisters You Give Me Courage • 24 Life is Pretty Good • 25 Stories are Stored in the Stone • 26 Surrender to an Open Heart • 27 Thank You For Guiding Me • 28 Thank You for Our Life • 29 There’s A Circle Surrounding • 30 They Paved the Way • 31 Walking Hand In Hand With Spirt • 32 Walking in Integrity 5.21.10 • 33 We All Wanna Be Loved • 34 We Are Ancient We Are Now • 35 Gotta Give thanks • 36 We Each Carry Our Unique Medicine • 37 Our Transformation • 38 Counting Our Blessings • 39 With My Breath • 40 Would you care to sit • 41 You Always Know • 42 Thank You Goddess • 43 En Las Montañas • 44 goddess is the universe • 45 Older Wiser

ComeUnitySing CD and Booklet


This set is a CD of 46 MP3’s with a companion chord/lyric songbook. The songs are taken from various Copperwoman CDs. It also includes several songs that have never been recorded officially. Some of the songs are even just recorded in Garage Band. It is a perfect tool for learning a selection of songs to sing in Ritual situations or around a campfire. It is a great Copperwoman primer. Everyone can sing! and here are songs to use.